DeLorean Club (UK) and Parts Shop
Click here for the main website and parts shop for DeLorean Club (UK), with information about the DeLorean DMC-12, our club for DeLorean owners and enthusiasts, how to buy or import a DeLorean, hire a DeLorean for your wedding or event, the history of the car, photos etc.
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The mysterious man, and DeLorean technical specialist. Click here to find out more and contact.
Web master and head of UK parts mail order. Click here to find out more and contact. Near-instant reply to any question!
The first point of contact for parts enquiries or problems with the website or logging into the forum.
Official Spokesperson and Media Liaison Officer. Click here to find out more and contact.
The first point of contact for all press enquiries and questions relating to the history of the car and the club.