OctoberTec - Meetup in Norfolk 4/5 October

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OctoberTec - Meetup in Norfolk 4/5 October

Postby arranj » Sat Jun 22, 2024 10:29 am

OctoberTec - Meetup in Norfolk 4/5 October

In short - it is 2 nights from Friday 4th October - although many will arrive on Thursday 3rd October - the website is here: https://www.suryahotels.co.uk/dragonflykingslynn/ - or by phone - 01553 771707
At the time of posting this it was just £167.50 total for an "advance purchase" weekend for 2 nights for 2 people including breakfast (£127.50 total without). I know it's "only Kings Lynn", but this weekend last year was sold-out even without us, so don't leave this to the last minute - the hotel will very much be full I would expect. There are often other ways of booking on special offers which often gives you a cancellable booking at not much more than the "advance purchase" rate.

Since this is not "officially organised" with the hotel - I, nor anyone, would have no way of knowing if you have booked, so ideally find a way of letting me, or someone know - ideally by posting a reply here.

Here below is the obligatory copy and paste "intro"

Here it is then, may I present

"OctoberTec Weekend 2024"

This event is taking place across the weekend of Fri 4 and Sat 5 October 2024 in King's Lynn, Norfolk. (some will come on the Thursday)


As with the highly successful sell-out EuroTec events in 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 ,2011, 2012, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019, not to mention the other so-called "mini-meets" this will be based in the pretty county of Norfolk, this time at same location, still close to the Royal Family's home at Sandringham - on the edge of the town of King's Lynn.
For pictures of our previous events please click here

For this meet, the focus here is on socialising. If you've never been before don't be scared! Many people who come to these meet-ups only know one or two others (or less). This is a good way to meet up with like minded people and swap tips. For non-owners there will be time to ask questions, look around the cars, etc. The hotel is http://www.dragonflykingslynn.co.uk/ . Accommodation is not exactly 5 star, but the hotel has a large tarmac car park and has recently been fully refurbished. There are 50 rooms in total.

Attendance at these events is always high, always sells out, and many DeLorean cars are expected this time as usual. As with the previous big events here, this will be a guaranteed sell-out, the hotel are not reserving any rooms for this, and are totally unaware we are coming.

The Itinerary:
- Arrive Friday from 14:00 onwards.
- Socialise, congratulate those who've braved the Norfolk roads in their DeLoreans
- dinner at the nearly Chinese restaurant with complementary taxis arranged both ways (financed by DeLorean Go)
- Beer etc.
- Sleep(?)
- Saturday - Breakfast
- Hang around car park kicking tyres, etc.
- 1.30 Lunch at "Arbuckles", local large popular restaurant nearby
- 3.00 Tech session
- Bar
- dinner at the hotel - price £10-£15 - if you're hungry
- Beer etc.
- Sleep
- Sunday - Breakfast
- Go home

Since this is a slightly un-organised "event" please just mention it in this thread if you are going to come along for either day (with or without staying), or if you have any other questions. If you'd rather not post here :shock: then click here to send a message to Arran now - or email me, or tell anyone called Darren - we will probably find out :) - just so we have an idea of numbers.

In short - it is 2 nights from Friday 4th October. For those coming on the Thursday, there will also be a meal planned on the Thursday night.

Any questions please ask.
Arran | DCUK 004 | VIN #1764 | Official DeLorean Club World Headquarters, Norfolk, UK

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Re: OctoberTec - Meetup in Norfolk 4/5 October

Postby Darrenre » Sat Jun 22, 2024 1:21 pm

Booked Thursday Through Sunday :-)
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Re: OctoberTec - Meetup in Norfolk 4/5 October

Postby Admin-bloke » Sat Jun 22, 2024 6:28 pm

Me too!

I've booked early this time.... I hope there's no more unplanned hospital surgery this time...
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Re: OctoberTec - Meetup in Norfolk 4/5 October

Postby DMC1983 » Mon Jun 24, 2024 9:02 pm

Booked thursday to sunday. Thursday is always a nice way to ease into the weekend
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Re: OctoberTec - Meetup in Norfolk 4/5 October

Postby Suz Haldeman » Thu Aug 29, 2024 8:56 pm

We'll be there! :D
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Re: OctoberTec - Meetup in Norfolk 4/5 October

Postby Aaron » Mon Sep 23, 2024 9:52 pm

Just Booked in for Fri and Sat
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