CID - Club Italiano Delorean - ITALY

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CID - Club Italiano Delorean - ITALY

Postby cineman » Sat Jun 27, 2009 7:24 pm


Hello to everybody!

The italian owners are getting together in this comunity. We are still few in Italy but like some of you know we have a lot of passion and we like to use our cars and perform them... ;)
We have track down 30 delorean in Italy, and only half of them are driving around, the others are in museum, collectors etc.
We hope to meet all together with the other clubs for having a good time :mrgreen:
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Re: CID - Club Italiano Delorean - ITALY

Postby A Van » Sat Jun 27, 2009 10:17 pm

Hi Cineman

Great post! We all look forward to meeting you and fellow owners from Italy soon.
Alistair V

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Re: CID - Club Italiano Delorean - ITALY

Postby arranj » Sat Jun 27, 2009 10:27 pm

Ciao Cineman! E 'bello vedere voi in questo forum. Siamo tutti ansiosi di sentir parlare il vostro italiano DeLoreans, e magari vedere qualche foto. :mrgreen:
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Re: CID - Club Italiano Delorean - ITALY

Postby A Van » Sat Jun 27, 2009 10:28 pm

Show off
Alistair V

Vin 11753 - B/Auto - Kuwait, painted black
Ex Vin 11766 - B/Auto - Dubai
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Re: CID - Club Italiano Delorean - ITALY

Postby arranj » Sat Jun 27, 2009 10:30 pm

lol! A few too many Spaghetti alla Carbonaras will do that to you :mrgreen: :lol:
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Re: CID - Club Italiano Delorean - ITALY

Postby cineman » Sat Jun 27, 2009 11:32 pm

Thanks ;)

my car




(stock engine, DMCH exhaust, Volvo ignition distributor, volvo throttle body, nology, K&N filter, kevlar clutch and so on..)

but we have some others interesting cars here...

my best friend car with a 2.5lt prv turbo from R25 we fitted in:


a car with a prv Z7W and efi


and many hard working owners :)


this car came from the UK from Chris Nicholson


obliviously we are not all so mad :mrgreen: the most are stock car...but usually the general conditions are quite good.
PS sorry for the big photo, if it's a problem i can put just links
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Re: CID - Club Italiano Delorean - ITALY

Postby arranj » Sat Jun 27, 2009 11:44 pm

Nice pictures Cineman! Thanks for that!

I like the EFI engine! :mrgreen:
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Re: CID - Club Italiano Delorean - ITALY

Postby bozzzydmc » Sun Jun 28, 2009 12:47 am

Yes its great to see you on here ... I love this picture !


Looking forward to hearing more about you and your Club !

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Re: CID - Club Italiano Delorean - ITALY

Postby cineman » Sun Jun 28, 2009 1:08 am

unluckly nobody of us will be at Ed on the 5 july, cause we have a little meeting here in italy. Surely will be meet in the future ;) some of us ( me the second on the right )

see you !
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Re: CID - Club Italiano Delorean - ITALY

Postby A Van » Sun Jun 28, 2009 10:31 am

Agreed great pictures... I am sure we will be meeting up one day..!

I bet that EFI car shifts?
Alistair V

Vin 11753 - B/Auto - Kuwait, painted black
Ex Vin 11766 - B/Auto - Dubai
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