Hiring of Delorean for 1 day in Finland (25th September)

European-wide DeLorean (with driver) hire requests, plus write ups of TV and film work

Hiring of Delorean for 1 day in Finland (25th September)

Postby King of Interns » Mon Jul 03, 2017 1:12 pm

My first post here. I am putting together an event that will take place in Finland on the 25th September 2017. We will require a Delorean for the event. Although a driver will be needed to bring the car to the event and away again we actually plan for ex F1 driver Mika Häkkinen to drive the Delorean to make his entrance for his keynote speech at the event.

Is there anyone in Finland or the Nordic area that can hire out a Delorean for this event? I would be happy to receive contact details and an idea of price.
King of Interns
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Re: Hiring of Delorean for 1 day in Finland (25th September)

Postby King of Interns » Tue Jul 04, 2017 10:51 am

No reply? This job will of course be paid and a chance to have a celebrity drive your car! Let's see a response soon!!
King of Interns
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Re: Hiring of Delorean for 1 day in Finland (25th September)

Postby arranj » Tue Jul 04, 2017 11:26 am

There are only 2 DeLoreans in the whole of Finland...., so tracking them down might be difficult. I do remember seeing one on them on Facebook recently, but I can't remember how to spell his name...! It began with "M" - he has quite a few nice cars I think.
EDIT: - this is the guy: https://www.facebook.com/mikko.marttila.14

The other one is this one - memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=1404 - but he hasn't been active on here for over 2 years. You could try messaging him?
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Re: Hiring of Delorean for 1 day in Finland (25th September)

Postby King of Interns » Tue Jul 04, 2017 2:22 pm

Thank you very much indeed arranj really helpful! I have contacted both. Cheers KoI
King of Interns
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Joined: Mon Jul 03, 2017 1:03 pm

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