Can anyone fill in for me - hire Leicester

European-wide DeLorean (with driver) hire requests, plus write ups of TV and film work

Can anyone fill in for me - hire Leicester

Postby flux3d » Sat May 05, 2018 12:28 pm

Hi all. As some of you who are following my exhaust drama on the other thread the car is out of action especially after the fire. However I've a hire request for next weekend in Leicester, Saturday the 12th. 2pm until 3.30pm. It's a simple job for someone. A 40th party in Leicester. Secure parking and photos with the guests. In total a couple of hours. Worth £150 to anyone willing to take my place.

If anyone can fill in for me drop me a line or call 07815134494.

Mark Sutton

New owner of VIN 10719
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