SLDG Gear 3rd, 4th - for gearbox rebuild

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SLDG Gear 3rd, 4th - for gearbox rebuild

Postby priesh » Wed May 19, 2021 10:07 am

Hi all - I finally am in a postition to get my gearbox sorted - gave it to a specialist in Kent (thanks Dan S and Chris S for your help).

The gearbox has been taken apart, and looks like a synchro spring broke, which then caused the sliding gear to get damaged, which prevented the car going into 4th, and caused a bit of crunching in 3rd.

I need a replacement - the part number is 103060 SLDG Gear 3rd,4th

It is number 26 on the diagram 4-1-2 in the parts manual (the dmcnews pdf has an incorrect part number listed against it)

I can't seem to find this part anywhere - does anyone know where I can get hold of one?

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Re: SLDG Gear 3rd, 4th - for gearbox rebuild

Postby priesh » Wed May 19, 2021 10:30 am

I have just noticed that gtoracing have something on this page, which might be what I need:

Does that 3rd/4th synchro look like it is the right part? Not sure if it is for the un1 369 or not - will ring them to find out when I get a chance
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Re: SLDG Gear 3rd, 4th - for gearbox rebuild

Postby arranj » Wed May 19, 2021 10:31 am

That part is unique to the 369 gearbox - i.e. not very common.

By far your best option is to contact GTO Racing - parts at
I once bought a used 3/4th sliding hub from them, and at the time they "probably had one more". If they don't then they do have have parts required to convert that section to a UN1 - It is possible to use the UN1 slider but you have to change the 3rd/4th selector fork. Also relieve the casing slightly behind it.
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Re: SLDG Gear 3rd, 4th - for gearbox rebuild

Postby priesh » Wed May 19, 2021 11:16 am

Hi Arran - when you say 'convert to UN1', do you mean to a different type of the UN1 box? I thought the delorean gearbox was a UN1?
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Re: SLDG Gear 3rd, 4th - for gearbox rebuild

Postby arranj » Wed May 19, 2021 11:36 am

The DeLorean uses the Renault 369 gearbox. This is not the same as, but very similar to, the much more common UN1 gearbox. It is often erroneously referred to as a UN1 - but it pre-dates the existence of the UN-1.

Some of the internals are different, and this is one of those differences. Kevin and Lee at GTO racing can tell you all about it, and would be happy to do so - best is to email them at parts at
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Re: SLDG Gear 3rd, 4th - for gearbox rebuild

Postby priesh » Wed May 19, 2021 11:59 am

Great thanks Arran - good to know the difference!
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