vin 814

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Re: vin 814

Postby andyd » Sun Aug 30, 2020 11:08 am

Cheers mike, yeah, am chuffed!
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Re: vin 814

Postby bandit » Sun Aug 30, 2020 12:56 pm

Nice, looks great Andy :dmcdoors: :dmcdoors:
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Re: vin 814

Postby Domi » Sun Aug 30, 2020 3:42 pm

This is really beautiful :P
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Re: vin 814

Postby eric » Sun Aug 30, 2020 4:04 pm

That is the nicest fascia I have ever seen.... Top job.

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Re: vin 814

Postby DMC1983 » Sun Aug 30, 2020 4:24 pm

Top drawer ol' chap. :clap: :clap: :clap:

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Re: vin 814

Postby cis6409 » Mon Aug 31, 2020 11:07 pm

Quality work there! great to see
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Re: vin 814

Postby Admin-bloke » Wed Sep 02, 2020 4:28 pm

Great to see the results there. Very nice.
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Re: vin 814

Postby andyd » Mon Sep 07, 2020 9:37 pm

One of the things I did recently with the fascias off was to get the front (amber) and rear (red) side markers wired up properly.

Previously I (? or someone prior- its been too long!) had disconnected the rear markers. I had wired the front side markers to act as repeaters for the indicators. They therefore did not come on with "position 1" of the headlight switch. My front indicators did not have the low current filament, simply the high current one flashing as per UK indicators.

I wanted to return to OEM configuration, but with a slight modification. I wanted the front side marker to come on with "position 1", but also to flash with the indicator.

Crucially, I did not want it to flash out of phase with the front indicator. I wanted to on with the indicator, and off with the indicator, not "opposite" to what the front indicator was doing. Similarly, with "position 1" (and position 2) I also wanted it to be a solid "on" when not indicating...

Get it?

So basically, its on with any headlight, but effectively flashing "off" in phase with the indicator...

Unless no headlights are on, and then its just an indicator repeater.

I also didn't want to butcher my wiring loom.

Clever old Dan Stacy came up with a very nice way to achieve this. He suggested an adjustable N555 timer.

This measured potential difference to the indicator feed, and when the indicator flashes, it cuts the sidemarker function. Once the flashing stops, the solid side marker comes back on.

The timer (which is adjustable) is just very slightly longer than the interval of the indicator flash.

The sidemarker thus gets a positive pulse with the indicator no matter what. So with the headlight switch in "position 0" (no lights at all), the amber side marker is a repeater.

At position 1 (and 2), it comes on constantly. When you indicate, it cuts the "solid on" power, and then you see the flash. After you stop indicating, it comes on constant again.

I know that this is all a pointless waste of time for something that doesnt really matter, but I think pulling out of junctions, motorcyclists (for example) may not see the little siver car turning right with a (dual filament) front indicator and no side marker. Similarly, changing lanes on the motorway is bad enough, but with constant on side markers there is even less to signal to fuckwit road users that you want to pull out.

So I got these:

IMG-20200613-WA0005.jpeg (1.2 MiB) Viewed 24033 times

A box (in a fact I went through a few, for stupid trial and error reasons)
Connectors to go "in line" where the 3-wire front indicator loom plugs in. So a female and male needed
The timer module (something like ... SwjFleC0GM ).

And wired it so that it goes in between these two familiar connectors behind the front grille

20200617_181745.jpg (3.84 MiB) Viewed 24033 times

It looks then like this:

20200829_081511.jpg (3.62 MiB) Viewed 24033 times

And finally, like this.

20200829_074256.jpg (3.58 MiB) Viewed 24033 times

So you can see where this plugs in-line. And the single lead on a spade connector then goes to feed the side marker (minimal butchery- not quite none! But mine had been hacked about anyway, so Mike W cant shout at me)

This then all lives behind the front dummy grille. If I were clever, I could post a video of it all lit up like a christmass tree, but I'm not, so I cant.

But I would be very pleased to discuss at length over a beer when we can all meet up again!! :thumbsup: :lol:

Its may a bit of pointless mod, but perhaps an element of safety, and I didnt want out-of-phase side marker flashing, and I think this is a good way to do it. Or at least Dan did, and told me what to do. Thanks mate, very much appreciated.

Its the little things that make us happy right? And this does that.

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Re: vin 814

Postby Dan 6511 » Mon Sep 07, 2020 10:32 pm

Awesome, glad you got it working. If you WhatsApp me a video I can put it on youtube and link it on here if you want.
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Re: vin 814

Postby BABIS » Tue Sep 08, 2020 2:00 pm

I achieved the same result with 2 of these modules: ... ack-driver
the only limit is that they can be used just with leds (very small wirings)
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